Retrieving the Channel of the Message

Sometimes it's useful to retrieve the channel in which the message was sent.

For demonstrating how you can retrieve the channel from a Discord.js command we will code the ClearChannelCommand that will delete messages from the channel the message was sent.

Writing the ClearChannelCommand#

import { BaseCommand, Channel, ChannelContract, Command } from "discapp";
export class ClearChannelCommand extends BaseCommand {
public channel: ChannelContract;
public async execute() {
const allMessages = await{
limit: 100,
let deletedMessages = 0;
await Promise.all( (message) => {
if (message.deletable) {
await message.delete();
return `Finished cleaning all the messages (${deletedMessages})`;

The ClearChannelCommand will try to delete all the latest 100 message (in parallel).

Testing the ClearChannelCommand#

You can test the command by sending:


This should delete by arround 100 messages from the channel you send this command.